Saturday, February 8, 2014

Laptop brightness issues [SOLVED]

So I installed Manjaro Gnome on my new ASUS X200CA laptop with much assistance from Manjaro Community.

After that I noticed my backlight defaulted to a very dim setting and the controls (FN+F5 and FN+F6) did not work once the OS was loaded. They worked while the grub menu was displayed and for a while after that during boot, but not once the OS was loaded. I found a command that allowed me to increase and decrease the brightness:

Code: [Select]
intel_backlight 100
where 100 represents the percent of brightness

So I thought I was GTG.. nope.

I proceeded to install kernel 3.13, and at the same point in the boot process where my controls had stopped working in kernel 3.10, my baklight turned completely off. Same with kernel 3.12. Did a liitle Googl'in and found this Manjaro Wiki entry:

did this:

Code: [Select]
sudo sed "s/\(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\)\"\"/\1\"acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor\"/" /etc/default/grub -i

and this:

Code: [Select]
sudo update-grub

and now I'm back in business 
