Friday, January 31, 2014

ASCII Art for your bash prompt, or whatever..

First of all, if you didn't already know. You can add ASCII art to your terminal start screen. Just create a file in your home directory with the art in it, then at the bottom of your .bashrc file ad "cat ". Where is the name of your ASCII art file.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

XP is almost dead.

Believe it or not. Many people still run Windows XP. Its support will finally end next week. I think a lot of people could breath new life in to that old hardware designed for XP with a lite Linux distro based on pure Openbox, LXDE/Razor Qt or XFCE.

From G+..

Dump XP for a "real" modern OS that will most likely run better on your old hardware than XP does... Linux

Manjaro sub-reddit is a thing

Shift+Click Issues in Thunderbird (Solved)

Below is from my recent post on the manjaro forum @

So I was having an issue in Thunderbird where I could not select a group of messages using shift click. I could control click to select each one manually but that was not sufficient for what I was doing. A Google search led to this page:

This person discovered they had set a global key/mouse bind in compiz for shift click to perform some other function.

I knew I didn't do that, but it led me to investigate my rc.xml file (I'm running openbox). I didn't find any shift click binds but I found a left-shift + drag mousebind entry:

Code: [Select]
<mousebind button="S-Left" action="Drag">
        <action name="Move"/>

I commented it out and restarted openbox..

Bam!!.. Fixed.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Creating an encrypted directory

Creating an encrypted directory was much easier than I thought it would be. I installed encfs and cryptkeeper. Once both are installed, just run cryptkeeper. You will see a icon that looks like a safe pop up in your tray.

Left click and select "New encrypted folder" from the menu. Follow the prompts and your done. Uncheck your new folder in the tray menu and it is now password protected.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Long story short: I'm now running ManjaroBox. Formerly known as Manjaro Openbox. It is an Arch dirivitive in that its repos are snapshots of the Arch repos that are then further tested and patched. It is a rolling release and it is great. I think I finally found a home!

The release is Manjarobox 0.8.8

This wallpaper is not my work and I will replace it soon I think. I don't have a lot of conky and bash config hacking skills yet, but I have made some small customizations. I'm running xfce4-panel with whisker menu alongside tint2 (xfce4-panel adds no noticeable RAM usage at idle). Also using a modified crunchbang tint2  config file to get the split bar with icons from workspaces 1 and 2. Have dmenu installed because I cant live without it